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From early morning of August 11, 1952, a 29 years old female, complained of headache and abruptry cast into a state of undue exite-ment about at noon. She was admitted to the hospital on the next day. In addition to such delirious state, on Aug. 13th, the purpura appeared on the outside of her extremities. And she died at 11. A.M. of the next day.
Microscopic observation of the brain:
On the meninges, the congestion of vessels and infiltration of round cells both existed. In the cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus, lenti-cular nucleus and the wall of III ventricle, perivascular infiltrations, mainly consist of lymphocytes, were found. But on the other parts of the brain they could not be seen. The cell-infiltration in the Ammon's horn was spreading over the adjacent tissues. The diffuse proliferation of glia cells was seen, and especially, swollen Hortega-glia cells were looked like a rod-cell. Some fresh, little hemorrhage were recognized in caudate nucl-eus and lenticular nucleus.
The change of nervous cell was slight, iron-reaction was negative and fat was propor-tionate to the age.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.