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ロックフエーラー研究所のWilliam H.Stein 等は,本疾患であることが確認できる数人の患者について,尿中及び血漿中のアミノ酸(ニンヒドリン陽性物質)や銅を定量し,それに基いてアミノ酸尿の生成機転を一応具体的に説明している5)1)。Stein等が採用したアミノ酸の定量法はsulfonated polystyrene resinであるDowex 50のカラムに尿中アミノ酸を吸着させ,それを洗い出し,ニンヒドリンで発色させ,その吸光度から算出する方法である。
1. The amino acid distribution in 24-hour specimen of the urine of a patient with Wil-son's disease has been investigated by chro-matography on columns of the ion exchange resin Dowex 50. It exhibited a widespread and massive amino aciduria. The highest level of excretion in contrast with normal is reached by lysine (447mg/day), which may be elevated twentyfold. The levels of serine (454mg), threonine (291mg) and glycine (653 mg) may rise 5 to 10 fold, while alanine (181 mg), tyrosine (137mg) and histidine (704mg) occur at 2 to 4 times of the normal level.
2. Unknown ninhydrin possitive substances are found, in which the amino acids in con-jugated linkages (peptides) are probably con-tained in considerable amounts.
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