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大後頭孔部腫瘍に関する報告は主として1920年以降に発表され,Frazier & Spiller8)の報告した最初の1例は腫瘍の2/3部分は大後頭孔の上部に1/3は下部にあるものであつた。他にAbraham-son & Grossman1),さらにElsberg & Strauss7)の記載が比較的古く,且つこの方面の研究に寄与するところが多かつた。なお,こゝ30年間に何人かの研究者による報告があり3)5)15)16),比較的新しくはPiehl et al11),或はSmolik & Sachs14)の報告がある。我国ではこの種の腫瘍に関する記述は,我々の知る限りではまだ見当らない。
大後頭孔部腫瘍の頻度についてであるが,Pi-ehl11)らは過去10年間に経験した60例の硬膜腫の中で,わずかに3例のみが脳幹と上部頸髄の接する部位にあつたという。Elsberg & Strauss7)によれば,彼らの185例の脊髄腫瘍と考えられたものの7〜3.7%が大後頭孔の上下に跨がつておりSachs14)の例では234例中の6例(2.5%)を占めている。Bennet & Forte2)及びSachs14)はこの部位の侵襲は実際に考えられているより多いだろうとの意見を持つている。他の報告5)9)10)12)17)では,診断困難で奇異な症状を示し,屡々中枢神経系の脱髄疾患,炎症性疾患と考えられるものの中には,実際には大後頭孔部の腫瘍によつて,その症状が起つているものがあり得ることが指摘されている。
Tumor at the foramen magnum is believed to be rare. Two cases of this type of tumor are presented. Comparison of our cases with those in the literature indicates that this type of tumor is apt to be misdiagnosed because of capriciousness and bizarreness of its clinical pictures.
Case 1 : A 18-year-old female.
Nine months before admission she had begun to notice occipital, and nuchal pains and feeling of stiffness in the left shoulder. Those symp-toms became severe and were accompanied by vomiting especially on movement of the head. Seven months later sensory disturbances chara-cterized by their variability developed. She had also impairment of respiration and swallowing. Horizontal nystagmus was observed. Myelogra-phy by cisternal puncture demonstrated that moljodol did not sink but spread in posterior fossa. The tumor was subtotally removed at the region between cord and oblongata. Alth-ough postoperative general condition was good, she died suddenly two days after operation. Autopsy revealed a tumor extending upwards into the cranial cavity. On histological exami-nation, it was found to be a neurinoma.
Case 2 : A 35-year-old male.
Eighteen months before admission he firsthad feeling of tightness in shoulder. One mon-th later symptoms increased and he had gene-ral fatigue. Four or five months later pains in shoulder accompanied by vomiting paroxy-smally increased on body movement. It is cha-racteristic that sometimes remission of those symptoms was observed. He had impairment of swallowing, horizontal nystagmus and slight cerebellar ataxia. Lumbar puncture gave a pressure of 310 mm water. Ventriculography revealed enlargement of both lateral ventric-les. His death came suddenly and quite unex-pectedly. Autopsy revealed a tumor which filled the fourth ventricle and covered the back-side of oblongata, cord and extended down-wards through the foramen magnum. Histolo-gical examination showed a glioma.
It is notable that our cases were neurinoma and glioma respectively, in contrast with the fact that almost all cases reported previously were meningiomas.

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