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第1章 緒言
Through pathological and chemical experime-nts on 50 cases of both normal and pathological human brains, total lipid and lipid fraction in each gray and white matters were surveyed, the author obtained the results of experiments as follows.
(1) Total lipids were 4.0%~4.9% in gray- matter (wet), and 62%~70% in white matter (dry). Senile influence was not observed upon total lipid in brain.
(2) The influence of growing oder after adult upon fraction of phospho-lipid was not obser- ved in gray nor white matters.
(3) Gluco-lipid fraction schowed no change in gray matter while in white matter tendency of decrease was observed.
In consequence, the decrease of gluco-lipid which went pararell with the decrease of mye- lin growth, was assumed.
(4) No influence of age upon fraction of chole- sterin was observed after adult.
(5) Total lipid and lipid fraction became decre- ased in both gray and white matter in senile psychosis, gluco lipid in gray matter, however, became increased in senile dementia, owing probably to the assumption of protagon.
(6) In cases in which trias senile changes were marked, nothing of note was proved in these experiments.
In cases in which fatting and incomplete de- myelination were marked, increase of protagon fraction in gray matter was observed, in spite of the fact, no marked change was to be seen in fraction of each lipids.
In cases in which senile plaques and Alzhei- mer's fibrary changes were marked, dercrease of protagon fraction in white matter and in- crease of phospho-lipid in gray matter were proved.

Copyright © 1955, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.