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第1章 緒論
Brains have been prepared from each devel-lopmental ages, lipoidal constituents were analysed by following solvents, alcohol, ether, aceton and pyridin (45℃. 37℃), and the follow-ing average values beeing obtained: in cortex. cholesterin-fraction 5.45%, cerebrosid-fraction 12.96% phosphateid-fraction 15.25%, in white substances, cholesterin-fraction 13,96% cerebro-sid-fraction 25.59%, phosphatied-fraction 8.0%.
The results indicate that lipoidal constituents of all brains contain approximately the same relative proportions.
Attention is called to the remarkable varia-tion of the ratio of three fractions ; Choleste-rin-fraction decrese, but cerebrosid and phos-phateid-fraction increase with age. And, the results of latters were proved too by the mea-sure of the lipoidalnitrogen.

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