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人脳の赤核前端に接するフオレル氏域被蓋放線(H)を中心として不確帯,灰白隆起,第三脳室底にかけての線維像は複雑であつて,古来多くの学者が報告している所を比較しても,その間に不一致の点が少くない。即ち,Forel (1877),佐野(1910)はH, H2からの不確帯へつづく線維を述べ,Forel (1877), Kölliker (1896), Kanson(1939)はH, H2から脳弓内側部への線維を記載し,Forel (1877), Ganser, Myer (1902), Edi-nger (1911), Obersteiner (1912)は脳弓内側部から第三脳室底を経て反対側に行くもの,児玉(1926)は不確帯から灰白隆起,更に第三脳室底を経て反対側に行くもの,Marburg (1927)はフオレル氏域H2から灰白隆起,第三脳室底を経て反対側に行く線維を述べている。余はこの部分の線維像に関して人胎児9カ月,生後3カ月,生後1カ年,成人脳の完全な連続標本を材料として互いに比較観察した。これらの標本は何れもパール,カルミン法で染めたものである。人胎児4カ月,5カ月,7カ月の脳もしらべたが,これらでは問題の線維群はまだ髄鞘を有たぬので,ここでは論じない。
The myelinated fibers were observed in the human brain with respect to the field of Forelespecially in relation to the zona incerta, the tuber cinereum and the basis of the third ven-tricle.
(1) Transverse by cut fibers (in the frontal sections) go from the field of Forel to the zone incerta, and then to the tuber cinereum. The former gadually change their direction to lon-gitudinally cut bundles and ran to the dorso-lateral portion of the zona incerta from the ven-tromedial portion of it. The latter suddenly change the direction to the longitudinal fibers to enter into the tuber cinereum inside of the fornix, and a part of them attains the opposite side after passing through the basis of the third ventricle. These two groups of nerve fibers are united, making so a single chain of longitudinal bundles.
(2) These fibers come probably from H2 and from the lemniscus medialis, and the fibers reaching the opposite side through the basis of the third ventricle from the tuber cinereum originate only from the lemniscus medialis, as mentioned already by Edinger, Lewandousky, Spitzer and Karplus.
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