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日本住血吸虫病(以下,日住病)は本邦では山梨,広島,岡山,佐賀,福岡,静岡,茨城,干葉等の各県の特定の河川の沿岸や水田地帯,更に台灣,比島 華中,華南,殊に揚子江流域の広大な地域,其他に分布する厄介な地方病的寄生虫病であるが,本虫卵の脳内介在によつて一種特異な脳疾患の起ることは,既に,明治38年(1905年)島村,角田両氏1)が,臨床的並に病理学的検査によつて,明らかにした処である。以来,東アジアの各地で,1944年までに,更に13例の脳日本住血吸虫病が報告されたが,この間の進歩は清水健太郎による本病の発生病理に関する新しい見解であつた。次でKane & Most2)により,今次大戦中主としてレイテ島に於ける米軍兵士の間に発生した27例が追加された。未感染の兵士多数を投入したレイテ作戦は,本病の発生率その他1, 2の点で新知見をもたらした。此他に,許山3)の5臨床例,大塚等4)の1手術例もある。私共5)は昭和22年以降,甲府盆地の農村の本症例を観察し,25年半ばまでの20例を報告したことがあるが,其後例数がふえて,28年末までの総数は62例となり,又前回の報告中,改訂したい点もあるので,病後歴の明かな50例について,その臨床事項を列記し,次で,最近の文献を参照して,考察を加えたい。脳日住病については主に文献2),日住病一般については文献6)より引用した。
During 7 years, 1947-1953, the author observed 50 cases of cerebral schistosomiasis in Kofu. Valley. Of this total comprising 5 infants and 45 adults, 38 were male and 12 were female. All cases were subjected to infection, but only 3 cases passed the acute stage. All cases had brain tumor syndromes in a wide sense,
Detailed classifications according to symp-toms and respective number are as foll-ows:
1. 33 cases showed the Jacksonian seizure as the principal symptom. In 20 cases of this series, the brain pressure syndrome was observed.
2. 6 cases showed the cerebral deficiency phennomenon without irritative syndrome, for instance the paralysis and hypesthesia of one or two limbs and hemianopsia. In 5 cases the brain pressure syndrome was observed.
3. 6 cases showed the brain pressure synd-rome without other particular symptoms.
4. 4 cases showed the brain pressure synd-rome with Grand mal.
5. One case showed the psychomotor sei-zure and the brain pressure syndrome.
Ova of Schistoma japonicum were found in 36 of the total cases.
The eosinophilia of spinal fluid was found in 1/3 and the pleocytosis was found in 2/3 of the total cases.
All cases recovered except one by the inje-ction of sodium antimonyltartarate as the therapeutic agenti, who died during early stage of the treatment. More than half of the total cases recovered completely within half a year. The remainder also recovered within 4 years but in several cases sequelae were observed.
Copyright © 1955, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.