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グリオーム中に於けるオリゴデンドログリア(以下「オ」と略記)の存在に就てBailey and Cushingは〃「オ」の染色が困難なため,之がグリオーム中に存在するという積極的な根據はないが,存在する可能性は多分にある〃と述べ,又〃Oligodendrogliomaの構成細胞は多分「オ」であろう〃と述べている。Kwan and Alpersは特殊染色を用いた組織學的檢索の結果,〃oligodendrogliomaの構成細胞は「オ」である〃と結論しでいるが,oligodendrogliomaと診斷された彼の症例の全てに於て特殊染色に成功しているわけではない。
I have studied on the appearances of the oligodendroglia cells in the gliomas, using the routine staining methods and the specific impregnation methods for oligodendroglia (Hortega's III modification, Tsujiyama's potassium cyanide method and its modification).
The results are summarized as follows:
(1) Almost all of the constituent cells of the oligodendroglioma are neoplastic oligodendroglia cells.
(2) There are non-neoplastic oligodendroglia cells, though few, in all gliomas except for the epithelial ependyma. These oligodendrogiia cells whice are almost identical in shape with normal one, are found sometimes in form of an oligodendrocytosis.
(3) In the cellular ependymoma many neoplastic oligodendroglia cells are found evenly throughout the tumor. It may be reasonable to admit a tumor of the transitional type between the oligodendrogliomas and the cellular ependymomas.
(4) In some of the glioblastoma multiforme. neoplastic oligodendroglia cells are present here and there in groups.
(5) In other gliomas, especially immatur glioma , neoplastic oligodendroglia cells are contained in various numbers.
(6) The difference between the number of oligodendroglia cells in HE. stain and that in specific silver impregnations seems to be due to the circumstance that the minute or small astrocytes and undifferentiated glia cells, especially und fferentiated oligodendroglia, are mixed in the gliomas in varing degree.

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