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要旨 嚥下困難が初発症状で,後に開口制限や後頸部痛が生じた全身型破傷風2症例(60歳男性と76歳女性)を経験した。2例は明らかな外傷歴はなかったが,臨床症状から破傷風と診断後,破傷風免疫グロブリンを投与し,全身痙攣や自律神経症状による血圧変動などを合併することなく,良好に経過し改善した。嚥下障害が初発症状の破傷風症例の報告は少ないものの存在する。破傷風は依然死亡率が高い疾患であり,たとえ外傷がなくても臨床症状から破傷風を疑った場合には,速やかに破傷風の治療を開始すべきと考察した。
We describe two patients with generalized tetanus, a 60-year-old man and a 76-year-old woman, presenting with dysphagia as an initial symptom of the disease. Eighty percent of patients with generalized tetanus manifest dysphagia on admission to a hospital. However, dysphagia is rare as an initial symptom. Both our patients had dysphagia as their initial symptom, followed by neck stiffness and trismus. We made a diagnosis of generalized tetanus based on these neurological findings in the absence of an apparent episode of trauma. After the administration of tetanus immunoglobulin on admission, they recovered without exhibiting generalized convulsion, autonomic storm, or any other serious complications.
The vaccination of tetanus toxoid cannot maintain sufficient antibody titers more than ten years. Therefore, elderly people are considered susceptible to tetanus. We suggest that tetanus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of dysphagia particularly in elderly patients. We also suggest that treatment of tetanus should be initiated immediately, because tetanus still has a high mortality rate at present.
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