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要旨 左視床梗塞により,記憶障害,保続,作話,著明な的外れ応答が出現した72歳女性を報告した。失見当識,病識欠如,多幸に加えて無関連錯語や記号素性錯語様の反応がみられ,臨床像は非失語性呼称錯誤に合致していた。脳MRI上病変は視床前腹側核,外側腹側核,内髄板,乳頭体視床路,さらに周辺の内包膝部,視床腹側を含んでいた。脳SPECTでは作話や的外れ応答の時期に一致して左前頭葉血流低下があり,視床腹側や内包膝部病変を介した前頭葉機能低下が示唆された。本例では視床の言語調整機能の障害に,作話を生じるような前頭葉機能低下と記憶障害が合併し,言語使用時の自己モニタリングが障害されて,非失語性呼称錯誤が生じたと推定された。
A 72-year-old right handed woman developed amnesia, confabulation and abnormal (bizarre) verbal response after the left thalamic infarction. Clinical features including disorientation, euphoria and various kinds of paraphasia coincided in nonaphasic misnaming. MR images showed that lesions involved the genu of the internal capsule, the anteroventral nucleus, the lateroventral nucleus, intralaminar nuclei, the mamillothalamic tract and the region around the ventral thalamus. 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT revealed decreased uptake in the left frontal lobe, probably due to the disconnection from the thalamus. These findings suggest that the dysfunction of the thalamus (mainly ventrolateral) and the left frontal lobe caused the disturbance of the self-monitoring in the language use, which generated confabulation and nonaphasic misnaming in our case.

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