

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Strategy for Management of Carotid Arterial Stenosis : Analysis of Consecutive 293 Patients in a Japanese Cerebrovascular Center Noriko Hagiwara 1,3 , Kazunori Toyoda 1 , Ken Uda 2 , Tooru Inoue 2 , Setsuro Ibayashi 3 , Mitsuo Iida 3 , Yasushi Okada 1 1Department of Cerebrovascular Disease, Cerebrovascular Center and Clinical Research Institute, National Hospital Organization Kyusyu Medical Center 2Department of Neurosurgery, Cerebrovascular Center, National Hospital Organization Kyusyu Medical Center 3Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyusyu University Keyword: carotid arterial stenosis , carotid endartereotomy , carotid arterial stenting , Doppler ultrasound , statin pp.999-1004
Published Date 2006/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406100237
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 Carotid arterial stenosis is a major risk factor for ischemic stroke and is increasing in Japan as the lifestyle has been westernized. The purpose of this study was to clarify the detailed process of diagnosis and treatment of patients with carotid arterial stenosis. Of the consecutive 1,889 hospitalized patients in our cerebrovascular center during 2001 and 2003,293 patients had carotid stenosis 50% or more in diameter by the NASCET method ; 82 patients were hospitalized during the acute stage of ischemic stroke and 211 patients with or without past history of ischemic stroke were admitted in the chronic stage. Among acute ischemic stroke patients, 62 patients (76%) had mild neurological symptoms of NIH Stroke Scale score ≦4 on admission. As the initial treatment during the acute phase, all patients underwent antithrombotic medication ; 33 of them underwent carotid endarterectomy (CEA) or carotid arterial stenting (CAS) in the chronic stage. Of 211 chronic patients, 123 (58%) did not have a history of symptomatic ischemic stroke, and instead had nonspecific symptoms, including carotid bruit, headache, and vertigo, or were diagnosed as having carotid artery stenosis by examinations of preoperative screenings. One hundred and thirty-five chronic patients underwent CEA/CAS and all the others except for a patient with serious gastrointestinal bleeding underwent antithrombotic medication. Statin treatment was chosen for 59 acute patients and 66 chronic patients. Because many patients with carotid arterial stenosis had mild symptoms during the acute phase or did not have ischemic episodes, we might overlook carotid lesions unless we performed screening examinations using ultrasound or magnetic resonance angiography.

Copyright © 2006, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


