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頸動脈分岐部は動脈硬化性狭窄病変の好発部位であり,肥厚・変性した内膜を中心とする粥腫(プラーク)の破綻や血栓形成によって動脈原性塞栓(artery to artery embolism)や灌流圧低下による虚血(hemodynamic ischemia)をきたし,大脳半球や眼動脈領域の神経症候を生じる。初回発作が大脳半球領域のtransient ischemic attack(TIA)であった場合は,狭窄の程度に関係なく急性期の症状再発が高率であることが知られているが1),一般に症候性病変では狭窄度が高いほど症状の再発が多く2-7),外科治療による再発予防効果も大きい8)。一方,無症候性病変においては,60%以上の狭窄ではその程度と脳卒中発症率との関連は不明瞭で9,10),症候性病変でみられる狭窄度と外科治療の有益性との相関も認められていない10)。
本病変に対する外科的血行再建術として,頸動脈内膜剝離術(carotid endarterectomy:CEA)と頸動脈ステント留置術(carotid artery stenting:CAS)がある。CASは本邦では2008年4月に保険収載されたが,同年には推定で5,000件以上施行され,既にCEA施行件数(約3,000件)より多い11)。これに対しCEAは多くの無作為化比較試験(randomized controlled trial:RCT)から得られた治療エビデンスの蓄積によって,一定の条件では内科的治療を上回る脳卒中予防効果を有することが広く認識されており2-5,9,10),その術式はほぼ確立されている12,13)。
Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have demonstrated carotid endarterectomy (CEA) to be more beneficial for the prevention of recurrent or first-ever ischemic stroke than treatment with antiplatelet agents in patients with moderate-severe stenosis of the cervical internal carotid artery. CEA is the standard treatment for such lesions; however, other RCTs have demonstrated carotid artery stenting (CAS) with a protective device to be comparable to CEA in patients with or without radiological or medical high-risks for CEA, although the selection criteria among these treatments have not yet been established in clinical practice.
This review compares the results of RCTs valuating the superiority of CEA over medical treatment or CAS, preoperative examination, procedures of CEA, perioperative management and complications, long-term results, and indications for CEA based on the currently available evidence-based publications. A preoperative evaluation of the patients'medical condition, including atherosclerosis, is therefore important to minimize the perioperative complications of CEA, because myocardial infarction during the perioperative period is frequently observed in patients undergoing CEA.
A through radiological examination such as plaque imaging is essential for selecting appropriate treatment strategies involving revascularization or medical treatment for atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis. In addition,the surgical indications,particularly for asymptomatic lesions,should be carefully considered in light of the recent improvements in medical treatments including antihypertensive agents and statins.

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