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要旨 血流低下を伴う頸動脈高度狭窄症例に対してRBANS,WAIS-R,NARTを実施し,認知機能に対する臨床的意義を検討した。対象は,日常生活は自立,明らかな神経学的所見がない,失語,失行,失認および認知症を認めない25例であった。認知機能検査は,日本語版RBANS,WAIS-R簡易版,日本語版NART,を用いて評価した。結果,WAIS-RとNARTの間に有意差を認めなかったが,RBANS総指標は2つの検査に比して低かった。さらにRBANSでは下位項目の結果から記憶や注意など軽微な認知機能障害を捉えることができた。RBANSは認知機能障害の検出に,WAIS-RとNARTは各症例の病前における認知機能のベースラインに用いることで血行再建術前に認知機能障害の診断が可能と思われた。
Purpose:To evaluate the cognitive function in preoperative patients with severe carotid stenosis. Patients and Method : Twenty-five patients with severe carotid stenosis were examined on their cognitive function by RBANS (Japanese version), WAIS-R (Japanese version), and NART (Japanese version) before treatment of carotid revascularization (endarterectomy or stenting). They had full activities of daily living without any hemiparesis, aphasia, agnosia, and apraxia at the time of the examinations. Results : Mean intelligent quotient (IQ) measured by WAIS-R and NART was 104.0+/-10.7 and 101.3+/-13.4, (ns) respectively. Mean total scale of RBANS was 90.0+/-13.4, which was significantly lower than both the results of WAIS-R and NART. A mean value of each RBANS index was 91.3+/-11.7 in immediate memory, 102.0+/-18.2 in visuospatial/constructional, 93.2+/-8.7 in language, 84.6+/-14.7 in attention, and 92.1+/-14.4 in delayed memory. RBANS index significantly declined in immediate memory, language, attention and delayed memory than visuospatial/constructional. Conclusions : Qualitative evaluation was available in RBANS, WAIS-R, and NART, which enabled the investigators to make a precise comparison between these methods. WAIS-R and NART showed a comparatively preserved function and were presumed to be useful for the evaluation of the baseline of cognitive function in preoperative patients. RBANS demonstrated a slight decrease in memory and attention in those patients and was expected to be useful to detect the cognitive dysfunction when compared with WAIS-R and NART.

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