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An 80-year-old Woman with Progressive Stroke, Who Had Rheumatoid Arthritis and Antiphospholipid Syndromes Terubumi Watanabe 1 , Keigo Goto 1 , Masashi Takanashi 1 , Hideo Mori 1 , Hiroaki Fujii 2 , Okio Hino 2 , Hideki Mochizuki 1 , Yoshikuni Mizuno 1 1Department of Neurology, Juntendo University School of Medicine 2Department of Pathology, Juntendo University School of Medicine Keyword: rheumatoid arthritis , antiphospholipid syndrome , atherothrombotic infarction , amyloidosis pp.173-181
Published Date 2006/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406100138
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We report an 80-year-old woman who had rheumatoid arthritis and antiphospholipid syndrome.She was treated for rheumatoid arthritis since her thirties.At 76 years of age, she was diagnosed antiphospholipid syndrome serologically.She felt lt.limb weakness and dysarthria and was admitted to the hospital on July18, 2003.The brain MRI showed T2 hyperintensity signal on the rt.pre-central lobe.She was treated by the argatroban, edaravone, glycerol,and aspirin.However, she became bedridden and fed by NG-tube because her symptoms progressed in spite of the therapy.Progression of stroke stopped by adding heparin at last.After that, she repeated pneumonia.She was found dead on the bed August 2, 2003.The patient was discussed in a CPC.The chief discussant arrived at a conclusion that the cause of infarction was angitis due to rheumatoid arthritis.Other possibilities were multiple thrombus due to antiphospholipid syndrome,amyloid angiopathy, and atherosclerotic infarction.Post-mortem study revealed sputum obstruction in her bronchus, string deposition in her organs.The brain showed infarction on the rt.pre-central lobe.There were multiple thrombus in the leptomeningeal artery, but few atherosclerotic changes of the small arteries.Amyloid didn't deposit in the brain artery and the parenchyma.Pathologist concluded that her infarction was induced with multiple thrombus due to antiphospholipid syndrome.

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電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


