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【抄録】 アルコール離脱後,振戦せん妄に伴ってcentral pontine myelinolysis(CPM)が発症したと考えられたアルコール依存症の1症例を報告し,その成因について考察した。これまでCPMは剖検で診断されていたことが多いが,本例は頭部MRIのT1強調画像で橋底部中央に円形の低信号域,T2強調画像で同部に高信号域を認め,CPMと診断された。頭部CTでは橋底部に異常所見を認めず,本疾患の診断にMRIは有力な検査法と考えられた。
We reported a case of central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) following delirium tremens in a 46-year-old male with alcoholic dependence.
Although there have been many reports of CPM, most of them were diagnosed by post-mortem examinations. Our case was diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). T1-weighted images demonstrated a small, round low signal intensity area in the center of the basis pontis. T2-weighted images showed a corresponding high signal intensity area. The CT scan revealed only cortical atrophy. We stressed that MRI was valuable for the diagnosis of CPM.
Hyponatremia, especially its rapid or over-correction is considered as an important etiology of the CPM. However, since normal serum sodium concentration (from 141 to 146 mEq/l; normal range 138-147 mEq/l) was revealed by frequent laboratory examination, our case was not associated with hyponatremia and its rapid or over-correction. Two possible mechanisms were considered as the pathogenesis of CPM in our case : (1) Sudden withdrawal of alcohol intake might have produced the CPM, (2) Multifactorial interrelation between anemia, liver dysfunction, hyperammonemia and/or hypopotassemia might have been the cause of the CPM.

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