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【抄録】 患者は,22歳の男性。中学3年生時,学校で同級生のある女生徒に手の凍瘡をからかわれたが,その夜,「傷にみせかけたらいい」と唐突に思いつき,凍瘡の部分を自らコンクリート壁にこすりつけた。しかし,その後患者は,傷を作ったことを非常に後悔して,傷が治癒してまったく目立たなくなった後も傷跡ばかりを見つめ,また,「傷ができたために他人から哀れに思われるのではないか」と恐れて傷跡を隠そうとする醜形恐怖症状が出現した。
A case of a 22 year-old patient: When he was in third year of junior high school, a schoolgirl in his class played a prank, hurting the chilblain on his hand. That night, he suddenly hit on the idea of changing the chilblain into an injury, so he rubbed the chilblain part against a concrete wall. Then he deeply regretted having made the wound and always stared at the injury even after the jnjury had been healed, and had become hardly visible. He also developed dismorphophobia symptoms in which he tended to hide the scar in an attempt not to be sympathized with by other people.
These symptoms persisted for about 4 years. Finally he told his colleague in the company his concern about the scar. The colleague said with a laugh, “It is stupid to think about such a slight scar, it doesn't matter anyway”. After that, he soon lost the fear that his scar might be seen by other people. However, he again began to regret that he had been unhappy in the past because of his concern about the scar, and this new regret caused him to stare at the scar frequently, again.
So, it can be said that he has never really quit staring at the scar on his hand since the initial development of the aberration. Because of this behavior, we discussed the psychopathological meaning of the scar in this patient, and our undestanding of the case is reported.
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