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【抄録】 〈目的〉電気けいれん療法(electroconvulsive therapy:ECT)の併発症であるせん妄および逆向健忘と抗うつ効果および予後(再燃の有無)の関係を明らかにする。
〈方法〉本研究は診療録をもとに調査したretrospective studyである。Modified-ECTは,麻酔科医による身体管理下,サイン波治療器,100V,3〜5秒間,両側前頭部通電法にて施行され,平均施行回数は5.2,施行頻度は2回/週であった。
<Purpose> To clarify the relationships between complications (delirium/retrograde amnesia) following electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and both the antidepressant effects of ECT and relapses.
<Subjects> Seventy-four (M/F : 15/59) subjects, age ranging from 55 to 77, suffering from major depressive episodes (DSM-IV) and receiving ECT.
<Methods> Subjects were divided into two groups, designated as the delirium (N = 11) and the non-delirium (N = 63) groups respectively. In addition, the latter group was divided into the amnesia (N = 22) and the non-amnesia groups (N = 41) , and the groups were compared by age, by the number of ECT in a session, by the daily doses of tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) , by the score on the Hamilton rating scale for depression (Ham-D) before and after ECT, and according to the incidence of the relapses in the respective groups.
<Results> ① The incidence of delirium was 15%, ②Older age, higher doses of TCA before ECT, smaller changes in the Ham-D scores and higher incidence of relapses were found in the delirium group than in the non-delirium group, ③ The incidence of retrograde amnesia was 35%, ④ There were no significant differences between the amnesia and the non-amnesia groups in age, doses of TCA, changes in the Ham-D scores, the number of ECT or incidence of relapses
<Conclusions> These results suggested that ① Occurrence of delirium following ECT was related not only to a low grade of improvement of depressive symptoms but also to a higher incidence of relapses, ② Occurrence of delirium was affected by older age and higher dosage of TCA before ECT and ③ Occurence of retrograde amnesia following ECT neither interfered with the improvement nor with the increase in the incidence of relapses.

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