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【抄録】 精神分裂病患者のリハビリテーション場面における意欲を定量化・客観化する試みとして,社会生活技能訓練(SST)プログラム参加への積極性(Level of Participation)を評価する尺度を作成し,精神症状・認知機能との関連を検討した。週1回,全14回のSSTプログラムに参加した精神科デイケア通院中の精神分裂病圏患者23例を対象として,プログラムへの出席回数・プログラム参加への積極性と,Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS)得点,WAIS-R成績,Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(WCST)成績との相関を求めた。SSTプログラムへの出席回数はPANSSの陽性得点・総合精神病理得点と有意な負の相関を示し,プログラム参加への積極性は陰性得点と有意な負の相関を示したが,出席回数・参加への積極性ともにWAIS-RやWCSTの成績とは有意な相関を示さなかった。精神科リハビリテーション場面における参加者の意欲を反映すると考えられるSSTプログラム参加への積極性は,要素的な認知機能とは直接関連せず,精神症状と関連が深いことが示唆された。
In an attempt to assess impairment in motivation in persons with schizophrenia, we investigated the Level of Participation during Social Skills Training (SST) and correlates of neuropsychological function and psychiatric symptoms. The rate of attendance and the level of participation were assessed through a series of 14 SST sessions in 23 outpatients with schizophrenia who were enrolled in the psychiatric daytreatment of Tokyo University Hospital.
All the participants performed the WAIS-R and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) during the period, and their symptoms were assessed using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). The level of participation showed a significant negative correlation with the negative symptom scale score and general psychopathology scale score on PANSS, while the rate of attendance was significantly correlated with the positive symptom scale score. However, neither of the indices was significantly correlated with the scores on WAIS-R or WCST.
The present study demonstrates that the level of participation, which may reflect the motivational aspect of participants in psychiatric rehabilitation, is related to symptomatology rather than to elemental cognitive functioning.

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