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Development of the Japanese Version of the Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale and Examination of its Reliability and Validity Tatsuya Yamamoto 1 , Ikki Hikida 2 , Yusuke Shudo 3 , Makoto Sakai 1 1School of Psychology, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan 2Graduate School of Psychology, Chukyo University 3Faculty of Psychology, Hiroshima International University Keyword: Anhedonia , Depression , Measurement pp.481-489
Published Date 2019/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405205821
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 The present study developed the Japanese version of the Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale(DARS)and examined its reliability and validity. The participants were 597 Japanese people(259 men, 338 women, average age of 30.95, SD=14.03). Principal component analysis indicated that the Japanese version of DARS consisted of 17 items across 4 components:“pastimes/hobbies”, “foods/drinks”, “social activities”, “sensory experiences”. This scale had internal consistency and 2-week test-retest reliability. Construct and criterion-related validity of the Japanese version of DARS was indicated. Therefore, these results suggest that the Japanese version of DARS is validated measure of anhedonia symptom.

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電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


