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幼児における言語の社会的使用(pragmatics)を評価するにあたっては,assertiveness(自分から会話を開始する能力,発信性)とresponsiveness(相手の話題から外れることなく応答する能力,応答性)という2つの独立した能力を測定することで,臨床的に有用な結果が得られる.そうした目的で開発されたSocial-Conversational Skills Rating Scale(SCRS,会話における社会的能力についての評価スケール,Girolametto 1997)の日本語版を原著者の承諾と協力を得て作成した.SCRSの日本語訳を英語に逆翻訳して原著者に返し,必要な修正を行い,日本語版の内容的妥当性を確保した.またSCRS日本語版を70名の乳幼児に実施し,Cronbachα係数と再テスト法によって高い信頼性を持つことを確認した.SCRS日本語版は乳幼児期のpragmaticsの評価法として今後使用が可能である.
Measuring two types of conversational abilities, assertiveness (the ability or willingness to take a conversational turn without being solicited by a partner) and responsiveness (the ability to respond to a partner by answering questions and continuing the topic of a conversation), leads to a clinically useful assessment of social language use (pragmatics) of young children. Social-Conversational Skills Rating Scale (SCRS) (Girolametto, 1997), developed with the concept described above, has been translated into Japanese with the permission and support by the original author. The Japanese version of SCRS was translated back into English and then sent to the original author to confirm its content validity. Administering the Japanese version of SCRS to 70 parents of young children yielded high Cronbach's alpha coefficient and excellent test-retest reliability. The Japanese version of SCRS is now available as a useful tool for assessment of young children's pragmatic ability.

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