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抄録 近年,ADHDの診断を求めて精神科を受診する者の数が増えている。今回,ADHDの診断補助ツールとして活用可能な25項目から成る質問紙を開発した。質問紙はHokkaido ADHD Scale for Clinical Assessment in Psychiatry(HASCAP)と名付け,0点から4点の5件法で回答を求めた(100点満点)。ADHD群104名(平均63.4±15.8点)と健常対照群361名(平均27.5±17.5点)の結果から,感度,特異度を求め,カットオフを設定した。その結果,HASCAP合計点45点で,感度83.7%,特異度83.1%であった。今度,さらにデータを集積し,より実用的な質問紙にしていきたいと考える。
The number of individuals who visit psychiatry clinic for the assessment of clinical diagnosis of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)has been increasing. In this study, we developed a 25-item self-rating scale which could be used to assist in the diagnosis of adult ADHD. The scale was named as Hokkaido ADHD Scale for Clinical Assessment in Psychiatry(HASCAP). HASCAP requests a respondent to rate the agreement with each item on 5-point Likert scale and yields a score range of 0 to 100. We analyzed the results from 104 subjects with confirmed clinical diagnosis of ADHD and 361 normal controls. The mean HASCAP score for respective groups were 63.4±15.8 and 27.5±17.5, respectively. Statistical analysis generated the cut-off points of 45 which reported the sensitivity of 83.7% and specificity of 83.1%. We will collect more clinical data and refine this scale further.

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