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抄録 本研究の目的は,ピアスタッフの雇用が他のスタッフの支援態度および職場環境とどのような関連を持つか検討することであった。地域活動支援センターと就労継続支援B型の支援者118名を対象に調査を行い,ストレングス志向の支援態度,バーンアウト,インクルージョンを目的変数,ピアスタッフの雇用を説明変数とし,事業所ごとの傾きを考慮したマルチレベル分析を行った。また,分析の際には,スタッフの年齢および性別,事業所の規模と種別を統制した。分析の結果,ピアスタッフの雇用はスタッフの仕事における達成感や効力感と有意な正の関連を示した。その一方で,スタッフの組織へのインクルージョンと有意な負の関連が示された。
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether employment of a peer provider in a community agency was associated with employees' attitudes toward their services and their workplace environment. A total of 118 professionals involved in community activity support centers and supports for continuous employment participated in this survey. A multi-level analysis, adjusted for potential confounder variables(e.g., sex, age, and type of agency)as fixed effect and agency variables as random effects, was conducted to test the relationship between employment of a peer provider and staff outcomes including attitudes toward the strength oriented support, as well as views on occupational burnout and inclusiveness at the workplace. Our results showed that while the employment of a peer provider was positively related with the employees' sense of accomplishment and efficacy concerning their respective jobs, there was a negative relationship between the employment of peer supporters and the creation of an atmosphere of inclusiveness in the workplace environment.

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