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抄録 注意欠如多動性障害(ADHD)は主要な神経発達障害である。ADHDの約半数に併存し,より深刻な機能低下を起こす症状の一群としてsluggish cognitive tempo(SCT)がある。本研究ではADHD成人におけるSCTと,ADHD症状,自閉症スペクトラム障害(ASD)症状,および知的プロフィールとの関連を調査した。DSM-5でADHDと診断された38名にSCT尺度,CAARS,AQ,ADOS-2,WAIS-Ⅲを施行し,SCT尺度とその他の尺度の相関を求めた。ADHDの成人はSCT得点が高く,SCTは不注意症状と相関を示したが,多動性やASD症状とは相関しなかった。SCTと各症状との関連について考察する。
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. Sluggish cognitive tempo(SCT)is a cluster of symptoms, which is found in about a half of ADHD population and is related to a significant functional impairment. In the present study, we examined SCT in adults with ADHD and its relationship with ADHD symptoms, ASD symptoms, and intellectual profile. Thirty-eight adults with ADHD(mean age 34.5, SD11.3, 23men), who were diagnosed with the DSM-5 criteria completed SCT, CAARS, AQ, ADOS-2, and WAIS-Ⅲ. The Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated between each clinical measurement. The average SCT score was 19.0(SD 7.7)and correlated significantly with ADHD inattention symptoms. Hyperactivity symptoms and ASD symptoms did not correlate with SCT. The relationship between SCT and other measures is further discussed.

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