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メタ認知トレーニング日本語版(the Japanese version of Metacognitive Training;MCT-J)は統合失調症陽性症状への心理的介入技法である。MCT-J参加への満足度を測定する尺度を開発するため,本研究では12項目の満足度調査票を作成し,統計的検討を行った。その結果,この尺度が1因子構造であり,統計的信頼性も高いことが示された。また,満足度と抑うつとの間に負の相関が認められた。この尺度はMCT-Jの有効性検討に役立つだけでなく,実施者(トレーナー)の訓練や実践上の工夫にも役立つと考えられた。
The Japanese version of the Metacognitive Training (MCT-J) is a psychological intervention for positive symptoms of schizophrenia that is based on cognitive behavioral therapy. Although the MCT-J is user-friendly, which may contribute to its effectiveness, there is no standardized scale to measure the participants' satisfaction with the MCT-J. In this study, a 12-item assessment scale was prepared. The result of the statistical analysis revealed that this scale consisted of one factor with high statistical reliability. In addition, the degree of satisfaction on this scale was significantly negatively correlated with the BDI-Ⅱ. This scale is available to evaluate the effectiveness of MCT-J and improve the trainers' skill.

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