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抄録 宮城県立名取病院に入院中の全患者314名を対象に,遅発性ジスキネジア(以下TD)の出現頻度や発症に関与する要因についての調査を行った。症状の評価はAIMSを用い,診断にはNIMH(1982)の基準を用いた。
Twenty four of 314 patients in Miyagi Prefectural Natori Hospital were diagnosed as tardive dyskinesia (TD) by the criteria of NIMH (1982).
Controlled studies on risk factors of TD suggested that advancing age was associated with increased prevalence and irreversibility of TD.
Sex and presence of other extrapyramidal symptoms were associated with severity of TD.
The prevalence of involuntary movements was higher in patients who were medicated with antipsychotic drugs than old persons who were never medicated with those compounds. This finding suggests a close relationship between TD and antipsychotic drugs.
Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.