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抄録 ブロムワレリル尿素は数10年前より睡眠導入剤として汎用され.中毒症状として幻覚ならびにせん妄状態などの精神症状,および各種神経症状を呈することが既に知られている。今回報告した慢性ブロム中毒の3症例は,入院時ブロムワレリル尿素服用歴を述べず,精神症状ならびに神経症状が多彩であるため,診断が困離であった症例である。
Bromvalerylurea has long been used as a hypnotic, and is known to cause complicated neurological symptoms and signs as well as psychiatric ones such as delirium, hallucination, etc. Because patients often hesitate to admit the use of bromvalerylurea, it is usually difficult to reach correct diagnosis of the intoxication. In this study, three cases of chronic bromvalerylurea intoxication were described. All the cases showed nystagmus, gait disturbance and hyperreflexia of the limbs. Dysarthria, double vision, hypotonia and ataxic gait were also observed frequently. As a very rare sign, auditory agnosia was found in one case. Differential diagnosis was necessary to rule out hysterical state, multiple sclerosis, hypoglycemia, porphylia, myasthenia gravis and epilepsy.
In order to detect bromin, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) was used for analysing serum, urine and cerebrospinal fluid of the three cases. Five micro liter of the specimen was placed on the carboncoated mesh and dehydrated, then using TN-2000 analyzer, characteristic X-ray peaks were examined. Distinct peaks for bromin were obtained from the serum and urine, but peaks from the cerebrospinal fluid were very small. For the purpose of determining the sensitivity of this method, potassium bromide diluted with normal human serum was tested. The study showed that the sensitivity to detect bromin in serum is 30 micro gram per ml. This method is sensitive enough for the diagnosis of bromide intoxication.

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