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自殺関連行動(suicidal behavior,以下SBと略)とは,De Leoら5)によると自殺未遂や自傷行為などの意図的な自己破壊的行動を包含する行動の総称である。これは,入院を含む緊急の精神科的介入開始の契機となることが多い,その患者の自殺リスクが高いといった点で臨床的に重要な症状である。SBに適切に対応するためには,さまざまな医療機関におけるSB患者の特徴についての知見を集積する必要がある。
Suicidal patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals are supposed to be at a particularly high-risk of suicide. However, this patient population has been much less investigated than suicidal patients in emergency and medical settings. To remedy this situation, we performed a chart review study on 586 psychiatric patients consecutively admitted to a psychiatric hospital with suicidal behavior (SB) in a 3-year period. The methods of attempt in patients showing SB before they were admitted are as follows:self-cutting observed in 37% of the subjects, overdosing observed in 26%, jumping from a height observed in 16%, and self-strangulation observed in 13% of the subjects. Frequent ICD-10 diagnoses among the subjects included psychotic disorders seen in 37% of the subjects;mood disorders, in 16% of the subjects;and substance use disorders, in 14% of the subjects. Personality disorders were seen in 29% of the subjects;the most frequent of the PDs was emotionally unstable PD, borderline type seen in 17% of the subjects. SB was, in most cases, not life threatening, and did not cause severe physical damage. Among the patients admitted during the study period, those showing SB were younger, more often female, and more often showed mood disorders, neurotic and stress-related disorders, and PDs. There was no particular association between the methods of attempt in SB cases and the diagnostic groups;however, there was an association between overdosing and PDs. These findings provide basic information that would help in the development of treatment guidelines and SB or suicide prevention strategies for suicidal psychiatric patients.

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