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A 31-year-old male patient under long-term glucocor-ticoid therapy for aortitis syndrome showed remittentfever of more than 39℃. Seven days after the high feverphase, the patient showed typical clinical signs ofIneasles, and then developed progressive respiratoryfailure with severe hypoxemia. Chest radiographyshowed bilateral diffuse nodular and reticular shadowscompatible with measles pneumonitis.The patient wasintubated and underwent artificial respirator control.Steroid pulse therapy (methylprednisolone,1000 mg/dayfor 3 days) combined with vitamin A and gamma-globulin was started immediately. Although the patientshowed a significantly increased A-a O2 difference, hishypoxemia gradually resolved after the combinationtherapy, and he was successfully weaned from the respi-rator 24 days after intubation without complications.We believe that arterial blood oxygen saturationmonitoring is important for early diagnosis of measlespneumonitis, and that steroid pulse therapy combinedwith vitamin A and gamma-globulin may be effectivefor adult patients with immuno-compromised condi-tions.

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