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A 78-year-old woman was admitted to the hospitalbecause of chest pain and was treated with nitroglycerinbut the symptoms did not improve. Electrocardiographyof the anterior chest lead revealed ST elevation. Acutemyocardial infarction was suspected.
Coronary angiography was performed but abnormalfindings were not seen. Left ventriculography showeddyskinesis at the apex cordis and hyperkinesis at thebase. Chest pain disappeared the next day and furtherattacks did not occur. There was a minimal rise inmyocardial deviation enzyme. Left ventriculographyperformed during the chronic stage showed intact move-ment of the left ventricle. Coronary angiography wasnormal and the acetylcholine load test was also nega-tive. There was a report of a case with similar onset andcourse and which was diagnosed as acute myocardialinfarction, with no abnormal findings of coronary angio-graphy and with specific abnormal movement of the leftventricle which improved at a very early stage. Wereport our encounter with this case.

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