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A 22-year-old woman was admitted to our hospitalbecause of progressive swelling of right upper limb afterexertion. Color Doppler ultrasonography showed anabsence of blood flow signal in the right subclavian-vein. Diagnosis of subclavian-vein effort thrombosiswas confirmed by venography. Heparin, urokinase andwarfarin were administered with a relief of her symp-tom. Follow-up color Doppler examination revealedpartial reperfusion six days later and complete lysis ofthe thrombus with thickened venous wall 14 days later.Provocative test of thoracic-outlet syndrome was per-formed using color Doppler ultrasonography. The rightsubclavian-vein was compressed with gradual abduc-tion and external rotation of her right upper limb, butvenous flow emerged with hyper-abduction and externalhyper-rotation. Color Doppler ultrasonography was,therefore, valid in diagnosis, follow-up, and determina-tion of the limb position at risk in a patient with sub-clavian-vein effort thrombosis.

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