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正常冠動脈を有する完全左脚ブロック3症例に,運動負荷201Tlシンチ(Tl),123I-MIBGシンチ(MIBG),123I-BMIPPシンチ(BMIPP)を施行した.症例1はsmall coronary artery disease,症例2は拡張型心筋症,症例3は明らかな心疾患のない症例である.左室駆出率は,各々49%,30%,68%であった.Tlは,全症例で前壁中隔の再分布を示した.BMIPPは,症例1と2は前壁中隔の逆再分布を示し,症例3は前壁中隔の持続性集積低下を呈した.MIBGは,症例1は著明なwashoutの亢進により遅延像の不明瞭化,症例2はwashoutの軽度の亢進により,遅延像で下礎領域の集積低下,症例3は正常像を呈した.正常冠動脈を有する完全左脚ブロック症例では,TlはCLBBBに特有の変化を示し,BMIPPはCLBBBの前壁中隔の脂肪酸代謝異常を,MIBGのwashoutの変化は原疾患の病態を反映する可能性が示唆された.
We encountered 3 cases with complete left bundle branch block (CLBBB) and normal coronary angio-gram (case 1 with small-coronary-artery disease, case 2 with dilated cardiomyopathy, and case 3 without organic heart disease), who underwent exercise 201Tl imaging (Tl), 123I-BMIPP imaging (BMIPP), and 123I-MIBG imaging (MIBG). Left ventricular ejection frac-tion was 49% in case 1, 30% in case 2, and 68% in case 3. All cases had a redistribution in the anteroseptal wall on Tl. However, 123I-BMIPP uptake in the anteroseptal wall showed a reverse redistribution in cases 1 and 2, and a persistent hypoperfusion in case 3. On MIBG, case 1 had a markedly enhanced washout of 123I-MIBG. Thus, patients with CLBBB had various abnormalities of cardiac imaging. Although the mechanisms of abnor-mal uptake and its relation to heart disease remain unknown, it appears that an enhanced 123I-MIBG clear-ance may be characteristic of CLBBB patients with small-coronary-artery disease.

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