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静脈内異物は穿孔,感染,血栓症などの危険を有し,早急に摘出する必要がある.今回,我々は肺動脈内遺残カテーテルに対し,9F,100 cm長のロングシースをガイドカテーテルとし,大腸内視鏡用snare鉗子を用い,経皮的除去に成功した.9Fのロングシースは内腔が広く,既に諸家により報告された方法とともに,消化器領域,呼吸器領域で通常用いられる種々の鉗子も円滑に使用でき大変有用であった.
A case of successful removal of a catheter fragment from the pulmonary artery is reported. We employed the loop snare designed for transcolonoscopic polypectomy through a 9F long sheath. The sheath was advanced into the pulmonary artery over the balloon catheter. Handling of the loop snare was smooth and safe because of there being enough inner diameter of the sheath. Other instruments such as grasping-forceps or basket stone-catcher were also able to be advanced through the sheath. We recommend the employment of the 9F long sheath for retrieval of intravenous foreign bodies.

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