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血管内エコー法(IVUS)を用いて,Directional Coronary Atherectomy(DCA)による冠動脈内腔の拡張効果を経皮的冠動脈形成術(PTCA)を対照として検討した.対象はDCA 16病変と病変部位,病変長,リファレンス部血管径をマッチングさせたPTCA 28病変であった.両群で術前・術後狭窄度に差はなかった.またバルーン(デバイス)血管径比は両群とも平均1.1と差はなかった.IVUS計測値において内腔面積,血管面積,プラーク面積に両群で有意差はなかった.したがって,同等の血管径・病変性状を対象にした時,DCAとPTCAでは拡張機序の差を反映した拡張効果には差を見出せなかった.今回の報告は選択された病変を対象にした検討であり,DCAの内腔拡張効果を明確にするためには,さらに様々な病変性状を対象にした多数例による検討あるいはIVUSガイドによる積極的組織切除による検討を要する.
To assess the results of lumen enlargement after directional coronary atherectomy (DCA), and conven-tional balloon angioplasty (angioplasty), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) studies were performed after DCA in 16 patients (pts), and after angioplasty in 28 patients. Clinical demographics and angiographic lesion charac-teristics such as vessel size, lesion length, and pre-procedual lesion % diameter stenosis were similar in both groups. Lesion characteristics were ACC/AHA type A, B in all lesions of both group. The final balloon (device) /vessel size ratio were 1.1±0.1 in the DCA group, and 1.0±0.1 in the angioplasty group (NS). The IVUS lesion characteristics were similar in both groups. At the lesion sites; DCA Angioplasty Lumen CSA (mm2) 7.5±1.3 6.5±1.7 NS Vessel CSA (mm2) 17.0±1.9 15.0±3.1 NS % plaque area 54.8±9.4 56.1±8.5 NS At the proximal reference sites, lumen CSA, vessel CSA, plaque area and % plaque area did not differ in either group. The residual % lumen CSA stenosis (lumen CSA of the reference site-lumen CSA of the lesion site/lumen CSA of the reference site) was also smaller in both groups (26±12% vs. 25±18%, p<0.05). The incidence of medial dissection detected by IVUS was 6% in the DCA group, but 36% in the angioplasty group.(p<0.05)
Thus, this preliminary study showed that, compared with balloon angioplasty in selected patients. DCA can achieve similar lumen CSA without IVUS evidence of medial dissection. Randomized study is required to clarify the possible effectiveness of DCA in non-selected patients.

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