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1959年にPrinzmetalらがa variant form of anginapectorisを提唱1)して以来,異型狭心症は,冠動脈スパスムにより,心筋酸素消費量の増加を伴わずに狭心痛が生じ,心電図上ST上昇を示すことがその特徴とされる。異型狭心症の原因が冠動脈スパスムによるものとする見解には異論のないところであるが,冠動脈スパスムの原因や背景因子に関しては,動脈硬化,血小板凝集能異常,アルコール,自律神経系の異常など種々いわれているが,不明な点が多く,冠動脈スパスムの機序は,なお不明といわざるを得ない。
A 51-year-old man who had a past history of gastric resection for medically uncontrollable gastric ulcer has loss of appetite that recurs periodically. And he has frequently presented spontaneous angina early in the morning since 1984. He was diagnosed as having variant angina by the documentation of typical ST elevation during anginal attack and also by showing coronary artery spasm (# 2 and # 12) during hyperventilation on coronary arteriography.
A large quantity of calcium blocking agents and nitrates could not improve his symptoms. Lack of intracellular magnesium by loss of appetite was suspected from a daily excretion of urine magnesium (5. 3 mEq) and magnesium tolerance test (56. 7%), To confirm the effect of magnesium administration, the second coronary arteriography was performed, After magnesium sulphate (80 mEq, hourly) was injected, coronary artery spasm could not be induced by ergonovine. And orally magnesium oxide, calcium blocking agents and nitrates were started. Anginal attack disappeared with increasing urine magnesium.

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