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カテコールアミンの効果発現にはcyclic AMPが関与するが,最近開発されたcyclic AMPの誘導体であるdibutyryl cyclic AMP (DBcAMP)は比較的容易に細胞膜を通過1)し,cyclic AMPと類似の生化学的作用を現すことが示されている。臨床において本剤は,開心術後の循環不全に使用され2,3),また最近では虚血性心疾患をはじめ種々の原因による心不全にも有用であることが示されている4〜6)。本剤は心臓に対しては陽性の変力作用,陽性の変時作用を有するが,同時に末梢血管に作用しこれを拡張させることが報告されている7〜14)冠血管に対しては,動物実験で冠血流量の増加作用が認められ10,15,16),ヒトでも冠血流量の増大を示唆する所見があり17),DBcAMPの使用に際して心筋の酸素需給関係は良好に保たれていると推察されているが,これらを直接測定した報告は見られない。今回,著者らは虚血性心疾患患者にDBcAMPを投与し,その冠血流量,心筋代謝に及ぼす影響を全身血行動態への効果とあわせ検討した。
The hemodynamic, coronary sinus flow and car-diac metabolic effects of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DBcAMP) were studied in 12 patients with ischemic heart disease. DBcAMP was administered intrave-nously at a rate of 0.05/mg/kg for 30 minutes. Arterial blood pressure was significantly decreased during drug infusion associated with a reduction in total peripheral resistance. DBcAMP produced significant increases in heart rate, cardiac output and stroke volume, whereas, pressure rate product remained unchanged. Pulmonary artery pressure was also significantly decreaed. Coronary sinus flow (CSF) was markedly increased from 95±9 (SE) to142±13 ml/min (p<0. 001). Myocardial oxygen cos-umption (CVO2) was also increased significantly from 11.5±1.5 to 13.2±1.5 mg/min (p>0.05), however, the percent increase in CSF was much greater than that of CVO2 (53.2±10.2 vs 19.1±6.9). DBcAMP caused on change in myocardial lactate extraction ratio. Myocardial norepinephrine release was slightly but significantly increased from 37.5±15 15 to 62 ±18 pg/ml (p<0.05).
DBcAMP produces reductions in both preload and afterload. Slight increase in heart rate seems to be related to the reflex increase in myocardial sympa-thetic activation. Although CVO2 was slightly incre-ased, marked increase in CSF may be resulted from the direct coronary vasodilating effect of this agent. Our data suggest that DBcAMP seems to have bene-ficial effects on heart failure in patients with ische-mic heart disease.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.