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左房の機能には1)能動的心房収縮により左室に血液を送り込むポンプ機能,2)心房コンプライアンスに基づくreservoir機能,3)肺静脈から左室にいたる血液の通過路としてのconduit機能が含まれる1〜3)。特に虚血心や肥大心においては1)のbooster pump機能についての検討が行われ,左房収縮の亢進状態が報告されている4〜6)。さらに近年,左房においても左室と同様にFrank-Starling機構の存在することが報告されており3,4),左房機能を評価する上において重要な指針を提示している。今回著者らは,Mモード心エコー法ならびに心プールシンチグラフィーを用いて高血圧症患者における左房収縮を心房中隔動態ならびに左室血行動態より評価し,興味ある知見を得たので報告する。
We evaluated the left atrial function in 45 hyperten-sive patients using echocardiography and the backward method of ECG-gated equilibrium radionuclide angio-cardiography. The following parameters were mea-sured : 1) AV/EDV= (LV volume at end-diastole-LV volume at the beginning of atrial contraction)/LV volume at end-diastole (in LV echocardiogram) 2) peak AF rate=maximum dv/dt in atrial filling________________________________end-diastolic counts
(in RI angiocardiography) 3) A dip : the depth from the beginning of active atrial shortening (in inter-atrial septal echocardiogram obtained with right subcostal approach) 4) LAD' : the left atrial dime-nsion at the beginning of atrial active contraction (in aortic root echocardiogram) 5) IVST : interv-entricular septal thickness at the top of R wave of ECG (in LV echocardiogram). As a result, AV/EDV, peak AF rate and A dip were directly proportional to IVST within the range of IVST<13 mm. But these indices were inversely proportional to IVST within the range of IVST>13mm. LAD' was poorly correlative to IVST (r= 0.483, p<0.01).
In conclusion it seems to be possible that the booster pump function of the left atrium begins to deteriorate in the hypertensive patients beyond the critical LV wall thickness.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.