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アラキドン酸カスケードのうち,lipoxygenase系由来のleukotrienes (LT)は活性化された多核白血球・macrophage・mast cell等により生成遊離される生体内活性物質である。なかでも従来SRS-A (slow reactingsubstance of anaphylaxis)といわれていたLTC4,LTD4,LTE4が,最近,冠動脈攣縮作用・陰性変力作用・白血球遊走作用・血漿滲出作用を有することが報告1〜5)され,虚血性心疾患との関連が注目されている。臨床的には心アナフィラキシーの際に急性心筋梗塞類似の心電図所見を呈する場合6)があり,また急性心筋梗塞においては多核白血球が経時的に梗塞巣へ集積していく像が認められる7)ことから心筋虚血の進展・増悪因子としての白血球の関与が重要視され,これらのmediatorの一つとしてLTの役割が注目されている。またLTはcoronary spasm発生因子の一つとしてもその可能性が指摘され,LTが実験的にcoronary spasmを誘発したという報告1〜5)もある。しかしながらその詳細な作用機序,作用部位などはいまだ明らかではない。
そこで今回筆者は,LTの作用機構を明らかにするためleukotriene D4(LTD4)を用いてその冠循環に対する作用と,更にこれに及ぼすLT拮抗薬ONO-RS−411(RS)の効果を検討したので報告する。
We evaluated the action of Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) on coronary circulation and the effect of LT antagonist (RS-411) on LTD4-induced coronary spasm in anes-thetized dogs.
The dogs were administered LTD4 (0.33μg) into the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and hemo-dynamic parameters as well as epicardial ECG were recorded. Following the intracoronary administration of RS-411 50 μg /kg (pretreatment), dogs were admini-stered LTD44(0.33 μg) and recorded the same para-meters. In 4 dogs, coronary angiography (CAG) was performed to study the effect of RS-411 on LTD4-induced coronary spasm. In results, LTD4 caused a significant reduction in coronary blood flow and a significant increase in coronary vascular resistance with a marked ST elevation on epicardiaI ECG. A significant increase in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and a transient decrease in aortic pressure, mean coronary arterial pressure, and aortic flow were observed with no effect in heart rate. No change in hemodynamic parameters were shown after the pretreat-ment of RS-411, and the duration of ST elevation was significantly shortened.
CAGs documented the total occlusion of LAD in all dogs after intracoronary administration of LTD4, but the degrees of coronary spasm were attenuated by RS-411 in each dog.
These data suggest that RS-411 is effective to LTD4-induced coronary spasm. It is also indicated that LTD4 has direct coronary vasoconstrictory action and might play an important role in pathogenesis and deterio-ration of myocardial ischemia.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.