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Two cases of traumatic facial palsy with uncommon signs arc reported. In the first case a 41 year old female suffered hemifacial palsy 3 days after the traffic accident. Conservative treatment administered for 4 months failed to show any improvement; electromyographic test taken during the interval of spasms revealed fibrillation voltage of inactive type. When the stapedial portion was being thinned by a diamond burr an intensive spasm was induced. This fact seems to suggest the location of the trigger zone of spasm to be in this area. Immediately after the operation the spasm had completely disappeared and the facial palsy was recovered.
In the second case a 23 year old male suffered tinnitus, deafness and facial palsy whenever the patient attempted to move his face that occurred 6 months after a traumatic injury. Audiometric examination taken during the tinnitus attack showed 10 to 15 dB loss of hearing in low-frequencies. The patient was operated with severence of the stapedial tendon which brought relief to the tinnitus and deafness.

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