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PPHに対する,Ca++拮抗剤であるnifedipineによる治療の検討は不十分であり,殊に慢性投与の報告は数少なく,本邦では.本論文が初めての報告と思われる。今回著者らは,PPH 4例に対してnifedipineの急性効果を検討し,その際TPRの著減を示した2例については,経口投与し,2ヵ月後に再度その効果を検討した。また3例については,亜硝酸剤(isosorbide dinitrate:ISDN)の急性効果も併せて検討し,若干の知見を得たので報告する。
The reported efficacy of vasodilators in primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) has been contro-versial. We assessed the acute hemodynamic effects of nifedipine (nif) in 4 female patients with PPH (age: 40 years in average). The effects were compared with those of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN). In addi-tion, chronic (2 months) hemodynamic effects of nif were evaluated.
Cardiac catheterization was performed and car-diac index (CI), heart rate (HR), mean systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures (Aom and PAPm), total systemic and pulmonary resistances (TSR and TPR), PaO2, PaCO2 and A-aDO2 were determined before the administration of drugs and at the peak effects of sublingual nif (10mg) or ISDN (5mg).
After nif sublingually, CI increased from 2.4 to 3.0l/min/m2 (ΔCI=25%), PAPm decreased from 57 to 53 mmHg (ΔPAPm= -7%) and TPR decreased from 1502 to 1205 dyne・sec・cm-5 (ΔTPR = -23%). These favorable effects were marked in 2 patients with short symptomatic history. A-aDO2 was enhanced in 3 patients (mean; 36.6 to 40.6 mmHg), probably due to the deterioration of ven-tilation/perfusion relationship. ISDN decreased PAP slightly, but aggravated low CO and high TPR in contrast with nif.
The long-term (2 months) effects of internal use of nif (40~60mg, daily) were evaluated in 2 pa-tients who had good response in short-term hemo-dynamic effects of nif. They had improved clinical symptom, although the hemodynamic reexamination showed favorable effect in one patient after 2 hours and no change in the other after 12 hours from the last administration of nif (10mg). It was sug-gested that the hemodynamic effects of nif in PPH can be dependent upon the time course after the administration, and therefore nif should be given at least more than three times a day. Thus, nif may be a useful drug in selected patients with PPH.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.