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家族性に多発する心ブロックの報告は1901年Mor—quis1)の報告以来散見されるが,sick sinus syndrome(SSS)に伴う徐脈を呈する家系の報告は少ない。最近,著者らは2世代に4例のSSS患者を有し,さらにこれら症例の5親等の血族2例にペースメーカーが植込まれていた一家系を経験したので,若干の考察を加えて報告する。
A family of familial sick sinus syndrome of adult onset was reported. Case 1 was a 41-year-old man. The electrogram showed sinus bradycardia (HR 35 ;min), sinus arrest with escaped junctional beats and normal PR intervals. Case 2 and 3 (sisters of case 1) were 33 and 50 year-old women. Case 4 (son of case 31 was 25-year-old man. Their ECG showed sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest with escaped junctional beats and normal PR intervals. Physiolo-gical findings, chest X-ray and echocardiogram were normal in all cases. This family was considered familial sick sinus syndrome of adult onset without PR prolongation or other heart disease.

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