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1968年にPrewittら1)により初めて報告された心臓手術後晩期に発生するlate (or delayed) cardiac tampona—deは頻度としてはあまり高くはないが,その症状が心不全と酷似しているため鑑別がむずかしく,しばしば致死的になる2)ことより重要な合併症と考えられる。今回我々はlate cardiac tamponadeを合併し心嚢穿刺液よりEscherichia coliを培養同定したASDの一治験例を経験したので,本邦の文献上の報告例と併せて考察し報告する。
Late cardiac tamponade that was first reported by Prewitt rarely occurs, but it becomes poten-tially a fetal complication in the postoperative period. It is difficult to distinguish late cardiac tamponade from low cardiac output syndrome. We had experienced a 10-year-old female with atrial septal defect who developed this failure. Exact diagnosis was made with echocardiogram and cardiocentesis was undergone with drainage of 285m1 of fluid, which was bloody but did not clot. Cultures of it grew Escherichia coli. We discussed ten patients of this complication which had been reported in the literatures of Japan.

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