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肺内ガス分布障害の程度を評価するにあたって,Fowlerら1),Robertsonら2),Bates3),Blairand andHickamら4)は呼気中の窒素またはヘリウムの濃度を連続的に分析して,いわゆるクリアランス曲線を求め,また,笹本,横山は呼気終末時の窒素濃度を連続的に測定して,肺内ガス分布曲線5)を提唱した。
Spirometric & bronchospirometric intrapul-monary gas distribution curves of healthyJapanese were analysed.
1)Intrapulmonary gas mixture were the same in both side of lung.
a)DT×DI of each lung showed the same value.
b)The normal value of bronchospiro-inetric gas mixing index after 7minutes & △N2were under 2% & 0.5%.
2)Bronchospirometric determination reve-aled almost the same value reported by other authors.
3)RV/FRC & FRC gave the same value of Orinus & Stahle's He method.
4)Average values of bronchospirometric determination & oxygen consumption of right side showed higher than the left, on the other hand, distribution index of left was higher than the right.

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