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IN Fallot's anomaly, which we used hav ing accepted the recommendation of liarley, and, which term he defined only as pulmonary stenosis with reversed or bidirec tional shunt through a non restrictive ventricular septal defect, the pulmonary artery and its main branches usually show varying degrees of hypoplasia. Hypoplasia of the pulmonary artery is usually symmetric and probably proportionate to the severity of ballot's anomaly in the majority of patients. however, it has been also known that, in some instances of this anomaly, the local ized or diffuse pulmonary stenosis may present in postvalvular portion of the pill monary artery. This condition whiCh Sur gical manifestation is significantly impoitant is better to describe with special con siderations.
Purpose of the present paper is to review 41 cases of Fallot's anomaly associated with postvalvular stenosis or atresia of the pul MOIlarV artery seen at the Hiroshima Citi zens Hospital. To date only a few refer ences have been reported considering this combination of cardiac malformations. Ac cordingly, Fallot's anomaly associated with post valvular stenosis of the pulmonary artery scents to he less known as is also the case with postvavular atretic pulmonary artery. Thus, it is of special interest to review pathological anatomy of this combination and its related clinical problems being taken into account in surgical correction of Fallot's anomaly.

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