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Though it is well known as a routine procedure that the blood or plasma is preserved under liquid para-ffine to prevent the rapid escape of its gas content, much attention must be paid to the high gas solubi-lity of the liquid paraffine.
Since Natelson reported on the blood gas analyzer which is able to determine the plasma CO2 content in only 0.03 ml sample, a great advantage has been seen in an experiment in the case of using small exper-imental animals. But the smaller the amount of the blood is preserved under the oil, the more will incr-ease the possibility of absorbing its gas content with the oil owing to its rather larger surface comparing with its small mass.
This experiment was performed with the object to perceive the real loss of the blood gas content when a small amount of blood plasma (ca. 0.1 ml) was preserved under liquid paraffine (ca. 4cm layer) in a conical centrifuge tube. Total plasma CO2 as a blood gas was determind by the Copp-Natelson's apparatus at the room temperature ranging from 19℃ to 27℃.
The results obtained were as follows :
1) The rate of the escaping of the CO2 was rather fast till one hour after the preserving the plasma under the oil, then its rate became alower as time lapsed. The average value of the loss of the plasma CO2 was 2.0 vol.% at 1 hour storage and 3.7 vol.% at 24 hours.
2) Four kinds of commercial liquid paraffine furnished by different chemical companies were each ex-amined to compaire their abilities preventing the escape of the plasma CO2. A definite standing was obs-erved.
3) The average 1.5 vol.% loss of the plasma CO2 was seen after the 10 minutes centrifugation.
The most convenient and reliable procedure to prevent such losses of blood gases as described above is, it may he concluded, to preserve the plasma in a syringe illustrated in Fig. 1 on this acount.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.