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Studies on the acid base disturbance and the buffering action in dogs following the intravenous infusion of hydrochloric acid Yoshiyuki Honda 1 , Kazuo Rakuman 1 , Makoto Minoguchi 1 1First Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University pp.469-474
Published Date 1959/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404200768
  • Abstract
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In order to investigate the acid base balance and the buffer capacity of the living body, measu-rements were performed on the blood pH, pulmonary CO2 elimination and urinary acid excretion of dogs after the intravenous injection of HCl of 4 to 13.3 mEq per Kg weight.

Following results were obtained:

1) After the intravenous injection of HC1, as shown in Fig. 1, the arterial pH reached an equi-librium in 2 to 3 hours.

The lowest equilibrium value of the arterial pH was, according to our observation, 6.8 which appeared to be the critical limit of the acidity of the blood for maintaining life.

2) Of the total amount of the acid injected, 44.2% was excreted through the lungs, 4.0 th-rough the kidneys and remaining 51.3 % was neutralized by the tissue substance in the body. The blood was found to contribute to the neutralization of about one seventh in amount of the acid inje-cted. (Table 1)

3) The buffer value of the body mass, (the amount of acid remaining neutralized in the body per Kg weight)/(the decrement of the arterial pH), increased gradually for 1 to 3 hours after the injection and attained a final equilibrium, the value of which was, on an average, 20 mEq/pH/Kg.(Fig. 6 and Table 2)

From this value, the total buffering capacity of the living body capable of responding to the acid introduced not only with neutralization but also with excretion was estimated, on an average, at 39.0 mEq/pH/Kg.

4) If it is admitted to estimate the buffering capacity of the human body from that of the dog, a human subject weighing 60 Kg will be able to tolerate about 1.4 Eq of the strong acid introduced into the body.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


