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要旨 患者は48歳,女性.2001年に乳癌に対し胸筋温存乳房切除術を施行した.術後の化学療法としてアドリアマイシン(ADM)とシクロフォスファミド(CPA)を使用し,2007年までにADMの総量は500mg/m2に達した.同年10月に呼吸苦が出現し,BNPは1,796pg/ml,左室駆出率は20%に低下,高度のうっ血と低心拍出が共存した.カテコラミン補助下に血行動態を改善させたうえで,ごく少量のバルサルタン投与を開始し,さらにカルベジロールを0.625mgより漸増させた.5mgまでの増量とともにカテコラミンの漸減,中止に至り,退院に導けた.治療開始後半年でBNPは88pg/mlへ減少し,経過中持続陽性であった血中心筋トロポニンTも陰転化した.
A 48-year-old woman was admitted for progressive dyspnea after chemotherapy against breast cancer including adriamycin at a cumulative dose of 500mg/m2. Chest roentogenogram revealed severe pulmonary congestion with a plasma BNP of 1,796pg/ml and her left ventricular contraction was severely impaired with an ejection fraction of 20%. After her clinical condition of 'Wet & Cold' was relieved by using the intravenous injection of carperitide and catecholamines for 3 weeks, cautious incremental uptitration of valsartan and carvedilol led to our tapering off of the intravenous agents without the patient suffering re-exacerbated heart failure(HF). Symptomatic relief was obtained at NYHA class Ⅱ, with the negative troponin T and decreased BNP level of 88pg/ml, six months after the start of the therapy.
Although it has been reported that therapeutic response to HF drugs is very poor with bad prognosis, adequate combined use of renin-angiotensin blockers and beta-blockers may lead to clinical improvement of HF status in adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy.

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