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要旨 患者は61歳,男性.動悸と呼吸苦にて救急来院.冠動脈瘤を伴う重症虚血性心筋症(左室駆出率12%,左室拡張末期径81mm,左室収縮末期径75mm,心房細動,完全左脚ブロック)の診断.左室形成術であるDor手術,冠動脈バイパス術,肺静脈隔離術を施行し外科的に左室心筋リードを縫着し両室ペーシング機能付き植込み型除細動器(CRT-D)の植込みを施行した.術後,左室駆出率38%,左室拡張末期径63mm,左室収縮末期径31mmに改善し症状が消失した.形態学的治療である左室形成術,冠動脈バイパス術および電気生理学的治療であるCRT-Dの同時施行は冠動脈瘤を伴う虚血性心筋症に対して有効であった.
A 61-year-old Japanese man, who complained of chest oppression and dyspnea was admitted to our institution. Cardiac Echocardiography and catheterization confirmed the presence of severe ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy with coronary artery aneurysms(left ventricular[LV]ejection fraction 12%, LV diastolic dimension 81mm, LV systolic dimension 75mm, atrial fibrillation and complete left bundle branch block). We applied coronary artery bypass grafting and Dor's endoventricular circular patch plasty, and cardiac resynchronization therapy with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator(CRTD)to the patient. An epicardial LV lead was surgically implanted on the posterolateral wall. CRTD achieved the resynchronization of the LV contraction, and improved cardiac function. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged from hospital 21 days after his operation.
The clinical course of this case indicates that left ventricular volume reduction surgery in combination with implantation of CRTD might be effective for patients with end-stage ischemiccardiomyopathy.
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