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要旨 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)は徐々に進行する気流制限を呈する疾患で,進行すると呼吸不全に陥り予後は不良である.WHOによる世界の死亡原因で1990年には第6位にランクされていたが,2020年には第3位になると予想されている.近年,わが国におけるCOPDについての疫学調査が発表されており,その患者数は約530万人と推定されている.今回,福島県におけるCOPD患者の疫学調査を行うため,福島県財団法人病院協会が中心となり,「COPDスクリーニング事業」を実施した.診療所に通院中の,年齢40歳以上の1,743例のなかでスパイログラムの結果,気流制限を有する259例のうちCOPDの有病者は197例で,さらに年齢70歳以上では788例中130例がCOPDと診断された.COPD有病者のうち,それまでにCOPDと診断されていた症例は12%であり,あらためて啓発活動の必要性を痛感した.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) is characterized by progressive and not fully reversible airflow limitation. Advanced COPD leads to respiratory insufficiency and poor prognosis. COPD ranked globally as the 6th leading cause of death in 1990 and according to a WHO report is expected to rank as the 3rd leading cause of death in 2020.
Recently, a Nippon COPD epidemiological study has reported that the estimated number of COPD patients has reached around 5.3 million in Japan.
The Fukushima Hospital Association-centered study group has conducted this study for the purpose of measuring the prevalence of air flow limitation in primary care patients in Fukushima prefecture. Prevalence of air flow limitation in patients aged≧40 years was 11.7%* and the estimated COPD prevalence was 9.0%*. In particular, the estimated COPD prevalence in the patient population aged≧70 years was 15.7%*.
Among patients suffering air flow limitation, only 12% of those were diagnosed as COPD. Considering this fact, we have come to recognize the need to provide COPD awareness in primary care physicians.
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