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要旨 患者は24歳,女性,てんかんの既往がある.フィットネスクラブの浴槽内で浮かんでいるところを発見され,意識障害,溺水疑いにて当センター緊急来院となった.来院時,意識レベルJCS300,BP130/70mmHg,HR120/min,15l酸素投与下SpO285%であった.すぐに人工呼吸管理を行うも100%酸素,PEEP10cmH2Oの呼吸設定にてもP/F ratioは55と著明な低酸素血症を呈し,溺水に伴うARDSと診断した.人工呼吸管理にても低酸素血症は改善せず,アシドーシスは進行し,ECLA導入に踏み切った.導入後P/F ratioは170まで改善,その後ステロイドパルス療法を併用し呼吸状態は著明に改善し,第6病日にはECLAから離脱でき第30病日軽快退院となった.ARDSに対するECLA導入は否定的な意見が多いが,一時的な呼吸の補助にはかなり有用と考えられた.
We report a case of 24-year-old female with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) induced by near drowning, who was successfully treated with extracorporeal lung assist(ECLA). The patient was admitted to our center for the treatment of ARDS resulting from near drowning. Mechanical ventilatory support therapy failed to improve pulmonary oxygenation(PaO2/FIO2(P/F)ratio: 55), so the ECLA system was applied.
After the induction of ECLA, the P/F ratio improved from 55 to 170, and the ECLA was removed after 6 days. The patient was discharged from our center on day 30 with no complications. Although there are many negative opinions, we think transient use of the ECLA system is a considerably useful option for respiratory failure.

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