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要旨●Crohn病は再燃・寛解を繰り返すことで,消化管に狭窄を形成して難治化していくことが多い.腸管切除や狭窄形成術を行うことで狭窄の解除はできるが,術後も再燃する.手術回避に内視鏡的バルーン拡張術(endoscopic balloon dilation ; EBD)は有用である.特に有症状の狭窄や,口側腸管の拡張を伴う狭窄に関してはEBDのよい適応である.寛解状態での施行が望ましく,術前に血液検査や画像検査で病勢・範囲を把握する.内視鏡時に炎症が残存していた場合には治療強化を行うことで,再狭窄の予防が期待できる.実際の内視鏡治療にはいくつかのコツがあり,実際の症例も提示しながら当施設でのEBDについて解説する.
Crohn's disease often becomes refractory after repeated relapses and remissions, resulting in a stricture in the gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopic balloon dilation(EBD)is a useful method for avoiding surgery. EBD is extremely effective, particularly for symptomatic stenosis or stenosis with dilation of the oral bowel. EBD should be performed during remission along with preoperative blood tests and imaging studies to determine the severity and extent of the disease. If inflammation is detected by endoscopic examination, therapeutic intensification should be considered to prevent restenosis. There are some recommendations for actual endoscopic treatment, and EBD at our institution will be discussed while presenting the actual cases.

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